
Top 5 Performances to Catch in Atlanta This Fall

In a city now full of pumpkin spice lattes, hay rides, and flannels, local theatres are bringing their Halloween A-game to round out this fall in Atlanta. From immersive outdoor experiences to Hitchcock classics, our Atlanta theatre fam has it all!

But how to choose which shows to attend? Check out BroadwayGinger’s top five spooky theatre picks!

Photo Flash: Aurora Theatre to Stage Crucible Sequel ABIGAIL/1702

Abigail/1702 at Aurora Theatre

When: Now through October 15

Elevator pitch: Diany Rodriguez is the bomb.com under normal circumstances, but in this show, she’s non-stop, taking her talent to the next level.

But really, why fight Atlanta traffic? The Devil. Flashbacks. The scariest surprise goat of all time. This one-act sequel to Arthur Miller’s The Crucible is as thought-provoking as it is terrifying.

Get those tickets!

Check it out! Interview: Diany Rodriguez Humanizes a Familiar Antagonist in ABIGAIL/1702 at Aurora Theatre

Vivian at the Lyric (Studio Theatre in the Square)

When: October 11-14

Elevator pitch: A brand new musical premiering right in Atlanta? Sounds like we Atlanta theatre nerds will get bragging rights for dayyyyys!

But really, why fight Atlanta traffic? The Lyric’s studio space creates an intimate experience perfect for a spooky musical. Written by our own local theatre artists Chase Peacock and Jessica De Maria, this mysterious ghost story promises its fair share of intrigue.

Get those tickets!

Click here to check out BroadwayGinger’s review of Vivian!

The Sleepy Hollow Experience at Serenbe Playhouse

When: Now through November 5

Elevator pitch: What’s scarier than a Halloween show? A Halloween experience in the woods.

But really, why fight Atlanta traffic? Serenbe can do no wrong. Their consistently inventive work never fails to expand the bounds of what’s possible in the theatre world. So now bringing a new adaptation of their annual Sleepy Hollow Experience,

Get those tickets!


Dial M for Murder at Stage Door Players

When: Now through October 15

Elevator pitch: As a rule, I’m on board with anything involving the phrase “perfect murder” and “Hitchcockian.”

But really, why fight Atlanta traffic? No Halloween season is complete with out a good, old-fashioned murder mystery. Even those of us who haven’t seen the 1954 Alfred Hitchcock movie of the same name know Stage Door’s show is bound to include twists and turns and unexpected gasp/scream/jump/grab the arm of the stranger next to you moments.

Get those tickets!

Sense and Sensibility at Synchronicity (say that five times fast)

When: Now through October 15

Elevator pitch:  Ok, so it’s not spooky. But I mean, Jane Freaking Austen. Need I say more?

But really, why fight Atlanta traffic? I like to call Synchronicity a hidden gem of Atlanta theatre. Housed in a shared space, they aren’t the most conspicuous venue in our city, but I completely trust their play choices and execution of them. I have yet to be disappointed by a work there.

Get those tickets!